About the programme

The Association of Meat Importers and Exporters South Africa (AMIESA) is proud of the AMIE Academy programme, which aims to develop SMMEs into meaningful role players in the meat and poultry trade, import and export industry, as part of the roll-out of their transformation strategy.

The academy’s phased approach ensures candidates receive adequate business development support through theoretical and practical learning and experience in the industry, as well as a variety of economic, financial, and accounting skills, setting candidates up for success and building a successful model for future cohorts in the programme.

What Tushiyah did

Tushiyah’s role in the programme is to develop and implement the Bootcamp through the delivery of training and business advisory support. Five AMIE candidates were selected in October 2023, followed by assessments of their business needs. Based on these, individual recommendation reports could be developed for each SMME, which were used to design the Bootcamp and SMME development interventions, which included online training and business advisory sessions by an industry expert.

An industry specific forum page was also created on the Tushiyah Xchange Village portal to provide additional support to the SMMEs through regular, useful information being posted on the site. The forum page also gave SMMEs an opportunity to book coaching and mentoring sessions with the Xchange Virtual Experts.

A review of the programme was initiated in June 2024, aimed at getting feedback from candidates about their experiences and value derived from the programme from start to finish. The purpose was also to identify additional needs for each participant in the programme that may be considered for the design of the rest of the programme and future intakes. Feedback from participants were largely positive, with every single one saying that they would recommend the programme to others.

What was the outcome?

The positive feedback from participants underscores the value of comprehensive business training programmes. These foster business growth, administrative excellence, and entrepreneurial success. For business professionals looking to elevate their careers and businesses, investing in such training programmes can be a game-changer.


“Yes, more business people need these kinds of developments to take their businesses to the next level.”

- Candidate 1, when asked about whether the programme had a transformative impact


“Yes, I would highly recommend this programme. It offers comprehensive training that equips participants with valuable knowledge and skills essential for success in the industry.”

- Candidate 2, when asked about whether they would recommend the programme to other SMMEs


“Definitely - there is a lot of information that one can gather from this course, and the business development is outstanding for small businesses. The courses are theoretically dense but provide the relevant information that any aspiring entrepreneur should have.”

- Candidate 3, when asked whether they found the programme to be beneficial to their business




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Capital City Business Chamber
Certified IFC-LPA TPMA Assessor
Trainer Performance Monitoring and Assessment - The LPI
Head Office

73 The Oval
274 West Street
Centurion | Gauteng
Tel: +27 (0)11 202 5029



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